The Owls are preparing small group science projects. The motion group is making a short video.
The magnet group has a slide presentation.
The electricity group has an electric circuit game board and the Human Body group is working on a play.
We have worked on our independent study projects as well. Each student is studying their mother as a Force that is with them. Above, a student shares objects that represent things she and her mother do together. The students each completed a book about their mom's favorite things this week.

We will celebrate "Poem in my Pocket," day next week. Today we wrote poems for Earth Day. It was our first experience with using a rhyming dictionary. We worked on odds and evens, telling time and also wrote a book about cats. We planted our pizza garden last week. We have garlic chives, basil, tomatoes, and green peppers. We have had more than the usual number of upsets, so we are working with mindfulness daily. There are other ways to handle an upset than stomping off screaming (thank goodness.) Our current read aloud is Miss Piggle Wiggle's Magic.