We wrapped up our skeleton project this week by constructing skeletons with rocks and sticks in collaborative groups. We also now have a foam skeleton puzzle in our science center.
We have had a few new activities in our literacy and math centers this week: sensory box spelling, phonics phone reading, clothespin and tile spelling, play store and whiteboard money matters.
We finished setting goals in preparation for IQ meetings. In math we have investigated time and money. Many of the students have set math goals in relation to time and money.
Monday we spent most of the day learning outside and many of the students got to go into the creek....in January! Wednesday we made buckwheat pancakes and strawberry syrup. We worked with these three fractions, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8.
We have read four books this week about our small group study project topics. We learned about germs, red and white blood cells, friction and inertia, how north and south poles of magnets attract, but south and south repel, and how only metal with iron in it will be attracted by a magnet. We also looked at some equipment we will use to create circuits that will light up bulbs.
Our big word was "very." It was a very good week.