We are working with our new Math Trail Map, "Take Away
Treasure Map." Each station has things to count, find the
difference and move to the next station. When completed, all the differences are added together and then they subtract 2 to get
the final total. Correct answers get you to the treasure.
Treasure Map." Each station has things to count, find the
difference and move to the next station. When completed, all the differences are added together and then they subtract 2 to get
the final total. Correct answers get you to the treasure.
In the process, the kids are outside in the dewy grass in the cool morning on Mondays, warming up for their week. On Tuesday mornings we are gardening. Last week we learned about earthworms and got our bin. The classes were very eager to handle and investigate the worms. Vikki Hutto is teaching the gardening class and so far we have been working with the Polar Bears.
Tuesday afternoon we had our first solar science class with Chris Martin. We created a scaled down model of the solar system,
which started near the front gate, went across the driveway,
and almost all the way down the hill.
which started near the front gate, went across the driveway,
and almost all the way down the hill.
Wednesday morning we collected rose petals and rosemary to
put in the chickens' favorite egg laying box. It was beautiful
while it lasted. All the ingredients are good for the chickens and
improve their habitat.
put in the chickens' favorite egg laying box. It was beautiful
while it lasted. All the ingredients are good for the chickens and
improve their habitat.
We've been completing research in groups about parakeets,
bunnies, goats and ducks, looking for ways to improve their diet and habitat. We've also been working with a list of spelling and vocabulary words each week that come from our weekly picture book read aloud. The students will be bringing the spelling list
home in order to have help learning to spell the words. Our
spelling week will generally go from Wednesday to Wednesday. Reading groups are working on fluency, accuracy
and comprehension. We have been working with nouns and
verbs, talking about schema we build from our experiences that we can reach into when we write, and reviewing complete and
incomplete sentences. We are still reading Flora and Ulysses
and trying to learn more about squirrels. Our school internet has
been on the blink since Harvey, so we have run into great
difficulty accessing the "All about Squirrels" videos we had hoped to watch." We really want to have our internet working again
soon! Did you know a squirrel nest is called a dray?
bunnies, goats and ducks, looking for ways to improve their diet and habitat. We've also been working with a list of spelling and vocabulary words each week that come from our weekly picture book read aloud. The students will be bringing the spelling list
home in order to have help learning to spell the words. Our
spelling week will generally go from Wednesday to Wednesday. Reading groups are working on fluency, accuracy
and comprehension. We have been working with nouns and
verbs, talking about schema we build from our experiences that we can reach into when we write, and reviewing complete and
incomplete sentences. We are still reading Flora and Ulysses
and trying to learn more about squirrels. Our school internet has
been on the blink since Harvey, so we have run into great
difficulty accessing the "All about Squirrels" videos we had hoped to watch." We really want to have our internet working again
soon! Did you know a squirrel nest is called a dray?
Our cursive lessons have included i, t, and p. This week we will work on n. In geography we will begin making a lapbook. Our
first entry is about bodies of water. Tomorrow our gardening
class is all about soil. As usual, there is more to tell, but you can see we are busy bunnies.
first entry is about bodies of water. Tomorrow our gardening
class is all about soil. As usual, there is more to tell, but you can see we are busy bunnies.