We've covered a lot of ground in math in the past few weeks. We worked for several weeks on multiplication and then started a money unit. Our big project this week was to create a pet shop. We took inventory, priced the pets, set up the store and grooming salon, bagged food, made leashes, feeder mice, and crickets and then had a chance to operate the store and give field trip tours to the other students at IOS. Here is a gallery of math photos.
We've continuted to work on the research aspect of our dessert projects. Each student needs 12 facts to proceed to the next step. We are almost all there after this week.
We have been learning about contractions in spelling. We have had fun performing surgery to remove letters, leaving band aids as apostrophes.
For several weeks we have been writing opinion essays about our favorite movies, giving four reasons you should go see it.
In science we contined our work with dandelions, measuring and comparing stems and using the roots to make dandelion root vinegar. We also planted lavender, documenting the starting height in our nature journal. We have continued to investigate photosynthesis and have expanded our discussion to include more information about the role plants play as producers in the food chain, becoming food for herbivores and omnivores who become food for carnivores.
As always, our primary and favorite investigation is during nature lit time. IOS Island is the newest, biggest, best thing in the woods right now.