Kumquat is the last of our chick hatchlings from March. She is a survivor and has become part of a barnyard community. She was nanny to the baby goats, napping with them and following them from pasture to pasture. Now she has this great relationship with Maybelline, our donkey. When the flies were thick a few weeks ago, they were biting Maybelline's legs and tormenting her. Kumquat would come stand under the donkey and pick off the flies, securing an easy luncheon and providing a bit of relief for Maybelline. Now she jumps on Maybelline's back and gives her a chicken scratch massage and picks off any insects that she can find. It is a good metaphor for how children of different ages interact and support each other at the Inside Outside School. Several of our Upper Elementary students have regular appointments to volunteer in the primary class, playing math games, reading to students and helping to walk them to class after free time. It is not always one big happy family, but there is something so beautiful happening here that even the barnyard has taken hold of the philosophy. In gratitude I wish you a Merry Christmas.