Once we go into Spring Break, things begin to change so rapidly that the afternoon woods are not the same woods we visited in the morning. When we returned to school yesterday we were greeted by a blast of new spring greens. Our gardens and grasses are thriving after the rains we've had, and in some sections of the campus, we have deep, deep mud. That makes working on the "Buggy Pond," a real treat. Every day it changes and evolves. With the birth of baby goats, we now have goat milk. Rachel, our farm manager, faithfully trudges through the mud each morning to milk Pumpkin. It turns out that Miz Mocha isn't going to be a milk goat, although her little billy baby, Latte, gets plenty. Rachel's class is experimenting with goat milk yogurt. They are making their own yogurt culture. We have plenty of spring projects going, erosion control being one of the top priorities. Through a generous donation of materials from Whittlesey, we will be able to tackle the task. Erosion is one of the things that most schools cannot teach through hands on methodology. Not so at IOS! No text book teaching for us! We have erosion in the creek, uphill, downhill and all around the campus. ![]() Our gardens continue to grow and new things are planted almost daily. The students are learning how to rotate crops from season to season, how to manage pests, and when to harvest the perfect produce. Our yearlong theme, "What's For Dinner," has proven to be very rich ground for growing knowledge. Rachel Carson said, "If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years." The good fairies that nurture wonder have sent us a gift basket to open after the Equinox.
Annie Wenger-Nabigon
3/25/2015 06:52:08 am
Snow is our staple for Spring up here north of Lake Superior. It is so inspiring to see these pictures. In basements and greenhouses we are starting seedlings to plant out in May....it's a long time to the warm weather here!! Thanks for all you do to keep this learning alive.
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7/30/2015 05:23:06 pm
It is the God given responsibility of each and every member of the community to ensure that our environments are clean. This is because the environment is God’s creations which he termed as ‘good’ and gave us the responsibility to take care of them and ensure that they are well. We are supposed to use the environment sustainably ensuring that the resources are preserved to be used by the future generations as well. Environment can also be preserved through control of the invasive species that are slowly introduced into the water bodies then they end up covering the entire water body and suffocating the life in it.
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